The NHS Clinical Leaders Network can adapt our offer to the needs of each region across England to maximise the clinical and care networks effectiveness within that region and optimise the impact of the clinical and care leadership roles across health and care.
We will adapt our offer to the needs of the region with regionally focussed activities including collaboration and alignment with regional clinical and care leadership development experts/providers alongside targeted network transformation workshops addressing the regional and/or system specific priorities and challenges.
This will be supported through a national rollout of our effective clinical and care leadership development programmes that bring together regional cohorts of emerging and established leaders to learn together. Finally each region will have access to our Network Maturity Assessment Tool, National Congress and application/nomination to the NHS CLN Henderson Quality Awards.
More details of our regional support packs can be accessed via our Collaboration Platform
To find out more about our Clinical and Care Leadership development, please click here
If you are interested in becoming an NHS CLN Associate, more information can be found here
Regional Support Enquiry Form
If you are interested in exploring the support that NHS Clinical Leaders Network can offer your region, then please get in touch using the form below: